Plans for Stirling city centre

Wednesday, 9 June, 2010 - 14:12

The state government has announced plans for an integrated city centre around the Stirling train station and Innaloo shopping precinct.

Planning Minister John Day announced the transfer of 11ha of state-owned land in the City of Stirling to the WA Planning Commission to kick-start the project.

"The proposed Stirling City Centre is an exciting vision of urban regeneration that will accommodate an additional 25,000 residents and 30,000 jobs," said Mr Day.

"It will be a people-friendly urban centre that mixes affordable residential housing with commercial and retail ventures, and which is close to public transport," he said.

"Better management of State lands is part of a long-term State Government priority to accommodate population growth in Western Australia through new commercial and residential space that will attract investment," Mr Day said.

Projects earmarked as part of the regeneration include: the construction of Stephenson Avenue with priority public transport; a retail expansion of Innaloo shopping centre; the provision of affordable housing and office space near the train station.

This decision follows the State Government's $5.5million contribution to the project, announced in the State Budget last month.

This is in addition to $3million from the City of Stirling.

Scarborough MLA Liza Harvey said she was delighted to see the project progressing.

A small portion of the land close to the train station could be developed for housing and commercial accommodation during the next 12 months.