The windows fitted to the property were not the ones ordered in the agreed contract.

Perth glazier fined $66k

Wednesday, 31 July, 2019 - 11:59

A Perth window company and its director have been fined a total of $65,000 for not complying with a building commissioner’s order to fix incorrect glass installed at a Mandurah home.

Malaga-based Perth Window and Door Replacement Company was contracted to supply and install tinted double-glazed windows and doors at the property at a cost of more than $19,000.

However, the windows fitted to the property were not the ones ordered in the agreed contract.

After unsuccessful attempts to resolve the issue with the company’s sole director, Stuart William Barrowman, the home owner lodged a workmanship complaint with the Department of Mines Industry Regulation and Safety's Building and Energy division. 

In September 2016, the building commissioner ordered the company to rectify the windows and pay for an inspection report, but Perth Window and Door Replacement did not comply with the order.

At Perth Magistrates Court on July 22, the company was fined $50,000.

As the company’s director, Mr Barrowman was also found liable for the same offence and fined $15,000.

The parties were ordered to pay costs of almost $1,000.

Building and Energy associate executive director Saj Abdoolakhan welcomed the court’s findings.

“The company’s inaction in this case has no doubt caused significant stress and inconvenience for the home owners involved,” he said.

“This is a significant penalty that should remind all building industry participants that they must meet their obligations, including complying with official orders.”