New market for WA wheat

Monday, 14 November, 2011 - 11:04

Agriculture and Food Minister Terry Redman says the state’s grain industry has received a significant boost with a new consignment of wheat exports to Saudi Arabia.

The first shipment under a new supply contract between Saudi Arabia’s sole wheat importer and CBH Group was loaded at Kwinana today.

Mr Redman said a landmark shipment of 55,000 tonnes of wheat was sent from Esperance to Saudia Arabia last year, paving the way for the new CBH deal, which comprises three consignments.

He said the deal confirmed the establishment of a new market for WA grain growers.

“Today’s loading shows clearly that department work targeted along the supply chain has yielded a significant economic opportunity for WA’s grain industry,” Mr Redman said in a statement.

“The Middle East is an increasingly important region for WA exports.”

WA wheat exports were valued at nearly $2 billion last financial year.