Negotiation Strategies Workshop

Tuesday, 27 January, 2004 - 21:00

The Kimberley Area Consultative Committee is conducting a workshop titled Negotiation Strategies – Winning the Best Deal, on Tuesday February 3, in the Kimberly township of Derby.

The Kimberley Area Consultative Committee is a Federal Government initiative funded by the Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, to provide businesses with information and/or referral to a range of government  services and community organisations.

The workshop has been designed to provide small business owners and managers located in the Kimberley with the opportunity to boost their business skills and knowledge through a practical and hands-on course.

Topics that will be covered during the workshop include negotiating with the right person; getting the best price; nothing personal this is business; tips and time and the deal breaker.

The workshop is free of charge and bookings are essential, for further information contact Sam Robertson on 9192 2450 or log on to