NFP Board – UnitingCare West

Tuesday, 2 May, 2006 - 22:00

EXPRESSIONS of interest are required from individuals wishing to become board members of a new non-profit community services agency called UnitingCare West. The agency is the result of a merger of some or all of the following agencies and parish missions of the Uniting Church in Western Australia, including Fremantle Wesley Mission, Mofflyn, Rainbow Project, Trinity Outreach Services, UCA Outreach Services, Uniting Community House, UnitingCare Kwinana, and Wesley Mission Perth. With a strong suite of programs and services across the community services area, the agency will have an initial staff complement of 175 together with 160 volunteers and an annual turnover of about $11 million at commencement. Programs and services include women’s refuge and men’s crisis accommodation, group and transition accommodation, mental health programs, foster care services, carer respite and recreation programs, family substance abuse counselling and financial counselling. Individuals with expertise and experience in areas such as strategic planning and decision making, policy development, law, and finance are encourage to apply for the voluntary board. Contact UnitingCare West chief executive designate Chris Hall on 9321 9711 for further information.
