NFP Board - Nulsen Haven

Tuesday, 16 May, 2006 - 22:00
Board members: Aart Plug – president, Eric Goddard – vice-president , Fiona Grealish – vice-president, Jill Bennett, Geoff Bridger, Richard Curry, Carolyn Franklin, Max Kousins, Peter Mott, Grace Parker, Peg Parkin, John Rexilius, Shirley Martin. Operating in WA for more than 50 years, Nulsen Haven supports people with a range of disabilities to enable them to live independently in the community. The association provides accommodation for adults with intellectual disabilities and acquired brain injury, many of whom also have physical disabilities.Individuals are accommodated in group homes throughout the southern suburbs and additional homes are planned, to meet the critical demand for services.In early November, the association is planning a joint fundraiser with WA Police for motorcyclists and cyclists to get together for a fun ride in central Perth, to educate and promote road safety.