Marketing Workshop

Tuesday, 10 February, 2004 - 21:00

This week in Events, WA Business News previews some of the events that are on in Perth in February.

Marketing Workshop

On Wednesday February 17 Kiscomms is running a Marketing Without Dollars workshop at the Victoria Park Business Centre, from 9am to 12pm.

The workshop has been designed to assist small businesses with small budgets to strategically plan how, when and where to communicate to their customers and improve their marketing efforts.

Topics that will be covered during the workshop include building a business profile cost effectively; repeat business; and how to communicate with customers in a way that ‘pushes their buttons’. The facilitator for the workshop is Kiscomms principal Browyn Frazer, a communications specialist with over 12 years experience in marketing, advertising, public relations, journalism and general communications.

Registration for the workshop can be made with Kiscomms for $170 per person, which includes an information kit, light refreshments and networking opportunities. For further information or to register phone 9361 5727 or email