Management Conference

Tuesday, 25 November, 2003 - 21:00

On Tuesday December 2 to Friday December 5 the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management in conjunction with Edith Cowan University and Promaco Conventions are holding the 17th Annual ANZAM Conference at the Esplanade Hotel Fremantle.

The theme of this years conference is Surfing the Waves – Management Challenges, Management Solutions and it aims to explore and link past, present and emerging waves of management thinking and research and their role in informing management practice.

Areas that will be covered during the conference include business policy and strategy; small business and entrepreneurship; organisational theory; public sector management; organisational development and change; and ethics and corporate governance.

Keynote speakers for the conference include University of Bath - UK School of Management dean Professor Andrew Pettigrew; Said Business School - UK director of research Professor Keith Grint; and University of California - USA Graduate School of Management interim dean and Professor of Organisation and Strategy Professor Jone Pearce.

Registration for the conference can be made with Promaco Conventions for $748 for ANZAM members or $858 for non-members for full registration or $385 for members and $495 for non-members for day registration. For further information or to register log onto or email