Lunch with the Auditor General

Tuesday, 27 April, 2004 - 22:00

On Thursday May 6 the Committee for Economic Development of Australia is holding a luncheon titled Public Sector Audit – Contributing to Economic Development, at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

The luncheon will feature Western Australia’s auditor general Des Pearson, who will present an overview of public sector audits in Western Australia and will speak on topics such as the value of public sector audit for economic development; the role of the Auditor General in contributing to sound governance; recent contributions made by public sector audit in Western Australia; and future challenges for public sector audit.

Registration for the luncheon can be made with the Committee for Economic Development of Australia for $82 for members, $94 for non-members or corporate tables of eight can be purchased for $623.20 for members and $714.40 for non-members. For further information or to register contact Lisa Scaffidi on 9228 2155 or email