Lotterywest millions go to charity

Thursday, 16 September, 2010 - 11:48

More than a thousand different community groups and charities have benefited from $113 million in Lotterywest grants during the 2010 financial year.

According to the agency's 2009-10 annual report, Lotterywest raised $234.8 million which went to support hospitals, sports, and the arts, as well as community and charitable organisations.

Premier Colin Barnett tabled the report in parliament today.

He commended the agency for the amount returned to the state saying that Lotterywest is the envy of many lotteries around the world, for its direct relationship with thousands of not-for-profit organisations.

"Grants made by Lotterywest make a profound difference to the lives of all West Australians," he said.

"From the St John's Ambulance Service to the surf lifesavers on our beaches; from providing funds for medical research to supporting organisations such as St Bartholomew's to assist homeless people rebuild their lives, Lotterywest grants make the Western Australian community the ultimate winner from our State lottery."

Mr Barnettt said from every dollar West Australians spend on their favourite Lotterywest games each week, 33 cents is returned to benefit the community.