Lord Mayor urges Perth to light up

Tuesday, 31 August, 2004 - 22:00

LORD Mayor Peter Nattrass has launched the City of Perth Façade Lighting Awards, with $10,000 in prize money available for winners in both contemporary and heritage building categories.

The City of Perth is calling on property owners and building managers in the CBD to undertake façade lighting to enhance the city’s night-time attractiveness.

Dr Nattrass said the Perth Concert Hall had demonstrated how effective façade lighting could be.

“Perth has long been known as the ‘city of lights’, yet some of our fine buildings seem to retire each evening when they could shine instead,” he said.

“With residential development increasing in the city, it is important that the rest of the city remains lit up after hours.

“If the city looks alive and more attractive, more people will want to be out on the streets enjoying the vitality the city has to offer.

“Better and more sensitive lighting also enhances safety, particularly for pedestrians.”

Perth became known as the city of lights when, in 1962, the first Mercury spacecraft passed over the city.

Thousands of street, porch, house and office lights were switched on to greet American astronaut John Glenn on his orbital flight.

Perth once again lit up the sky to welcome back Mr Glenn during his Discovery space shuttle flight in 1998.