Lighter Note: Women in business group up

Wednesday, 18 June, 2008 - 22:00
PERTH chapters of several different female-focused groups are in the wings. Sydney-based Chief Executive Women is known to have been quietly recruiting a quorum to establish itself here, with UWA Business School dean Tracey Horton something of a driver. National networking group, Business Chicks, is officially launching in Perth on June 26 The Small Business Development Corporation is also launching its Women in Business Network on June 25. And then there’s the Australian Institute of Company Directors and CPA Australia, which have team up with a function titled Women Get on Board in August to promote female directors. Also adding more women to its speakers’ list, AICD state manager Suzanne Ardagh described her organisation’s approach as more subtle than most …“female-friendly”, she said “rather than having female-only events”.