Lancelin-Cervantes road construction brought forward

Monday, 27 November, 2006 - 10:13

Construction on the first stage of Indian Ocean Drive between Lancelin and Cervantes has been brought forward.

Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan said work on the 10km section would now begin in early 2007 and was due for completion in early 2008.

Ms MacTiernan said Main Roads WA would call for tenders in the first week in December.

"This first stage will take the road from Lancelin to the residential development at Ocean Farms Estate," she said.

"Construction was originally planned to commence in late 2007, but we have been able to advance this timetable.

"Commencement of stage two is still on track for 2009."

The Minister said the Indian Ocean Drive Project involved construction of about 65km of new sealed coast road from just south of Lancelin, extending northward to join the existing Pinnacles Drive near Cervantes.

"This project will reduce the distances and travel times between coastal communities and create a new road from Perth to Jurien Bay and beyond," she said.

"Local communities, the fishing industry and tourism-based businesses will all benefit, as will Perth-based holidaymakers and beach home owners."