Is Innovation the New Fuel?

Tuesday, 1 August, 2006 - 22:00
The Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce is holding its second event for the Curtin Zernike Dell 2006 Innovation Series, August 10 at the Burswood Convention Centre. At this luncheon, a panel discussion will be convened, with innovation the primary topic to be discussed. This is an event designed to stimulate, challenge and inform on WA contemporary innovation issues. John Poynton will open the lunch and introduce key note speaker Francis Logan MLA, Minister for Energy; Science and Innovation. This will be followed by a panel discussion involving the following speakers: •Justin Miller – founder of Empired Ltd and founder and managing director of Sensear Pty Ltd; •Dr James Williams - executive director, Tessitura Pty Ltd and immediate past chair of the WA Branch of AusBiotech; and •Marshall Allen - managing director of independent advisory and private equity firm Platanus Management. The luncheon will commence at 12 noon and be closed by Mal Bryce AO, executive chairman of the Australian Centre for Innovation and International Competitiveness, at 2.15pm. Registration costs $110 for AICC members and $143 for non members. For more information contact the Shelley Sass on 9387 1499 or email