Harnish will be here to help

Tuesday, 26 September, 2006 - 22:00

In keeping with WA Business News’ mission to help business grow, the newspaper is delighted to introduce another international columnist to complement our locally focused news and features.

Named one of the ‘top 10 minds in small business’ by Fortune Small Business, Verne Harnish will appear weekly in the newspaper for the next few months with columns providing advice for those operating, or wanting to operate, growth businesses.

Based in the US, Mr Harnish has a long and influential track record with entrepreneurial and emerging businesses, and runs his own consultancy focused on high growth companies he refers to as “gazelles”.

He is the author of bestseller Mastering the Rockefeller Habits: What You Must Do to Increase the Value of Your Fast Growth Firm.

As part of his arrangement with WA Business News, Mr Harnish will also come to Perth to hold a one-day seminar on Friday March 2 2007, to provide first-hand the practical tools fast growing companies can use to create focus, alignment, better communication and a winning strategy.

The seminar will round off the 2006 Rising Stars awards for high-growth Western Australian private companies.

WA Business News is seeking entries for Rising Stars over the next two weeks, with any company showing turnover of more than $2 million and demonstrable growth eligible for entry. The top 10 entrants will be publicised and all entrants will receive a benchmarking study to assist them in their business development.

To kick off his column series, Mr Harnish examines the idea that ‘less is more’, the advantage of focusing attention of what’s needed, which in some respects is really the philosophy behind WA Business News.