Get your walking shoes on

Thursday, 9 September, 2010 - 00:00

PERTH’S businesses are being asked to encourage their staff to embrace Walk to Work day (October 1), with the cause’s founding members saying individuals who walk often are more productive and less likely to be absent or take sick leave.

By registering as a ‘walking workplace’, organisations of all sizes will receive free information, support and ideas on how they can make walking work in their workplace.

“When it comes to walking, Australian companies need to keep up with the rest of world,” Walking to Work spokesman Harold Scruby said.

“Many Australian companies are spending thousands of dollars on corporate training and motivation programs and yet relatively little on physical activity. There is overwhelming evidence proving that employees who are physically active, especially before work, are significantly more productive.

“Walking to work, walking up stairs, walking at lunch time and walking home are all great ways of building more walking into the lives of the workforce.

“Even 15 minutes before and after work each day can significantly enhance productivity and reduce absenteeism.”

According to Medibank Private, the cost of physical inactivity to the Australian economy is estimated to be $13.8 billion a year.

It is also estimated that 16,178 Australians die prematurely each year due to lack of physical activity.