Foreshore favoured for redevelopment

Tuesday, 3 May, 2005 - 22:00
THE development of Perth’s foreshore is one topic that appears to have almost gained unanimous support from candidates for the City of Perth council. A total of 10 respondents were unequivocally in favour of some form of development while one, Neil Scott, said he’d have to see recommendations before deciding. Another, Scott Fitzsimmons, believed the foreshore should be the social hub of the city, hosting stalls, concerts and family activities. However, the high support for foreshore redevelopment splinters markedly when each answer is examined in more detail, particularly with regard to where development should take place. There is a wide range of views – from a narrow focus on the foreshore adjacent to the new Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre to sweeping development from the Narrows round to the northern side of the Causeway. Jean Jaquaniello and Tony Pallotta appear to represent the most focused of this range. “I see it as an extension and the next stage of the PCEC site,” Mr Pallotta said. “We would provide another hub for both locals and delegates attending a conference in our city.”