Foreign lottery warning issued

Tuesday, 8 February, 2000 - 21:00
CONSUMERS are being warned to be wary of overseas competitions.

Fair Trading Commissioner Patrick Walker said there had been an upsurge in enquiries from consumers about unsolicited mail from overseas telling them they had won cash in competitions they knew nothing about.

“The Ministry of Fair Trading received more than fifty enquiries in one week from WA people who have received unsolicited material from International Direct Inc. of Faversham in the UK,” Mr Walker said.

Consumers are being asked to send $11.95 to an overseas post office box in order to claim a US$25,000 prize.

“We have seen this scam before but the sudden rise in enquiries suggests WA is being targeted by the promoters,” Mr Walker said.

He said the Ministry’s counterparts in the UK had been contacted and advised of the scam.

Mr Walker said anyone receiving a notice informing them of their supposed win should inform Fair Trading by phoning 1300 304 054.