FAIR pleas unheard

Tuesday, 1 March, 2005 - 21:00

DESPITE a resounding No vote at Saturday’s referendum, at least one retail deregulation proponent stays committed to changing elements of retail trading.

Franchisees Against Inequitable Retailing believes that its concerns with retail trading rules are different from those that the community had when they voted against opening up shopping hours either mid-week or on Sunday.

FAIR claims the vote indicates only that Western Australians were against the further domination of the WA supermarket business by national retail players Coles and Woolworths.

Though it supported the Yes campaign, FAIR says its arguments were lost between an east versus west, big business versus small business argument.

“Neither campaign reflected the interests of retailers who do not trade in the grocery sector, are not situated within shopping centres and are not in a position to dominate the market,” FAIR claimed in an announcement.