Environmental groups slam energy plan

Friday, 4 March, 2011 - 15:06

The state government's discussion paper to shape the next 20 years of energy supply has been blasted by environmental groups, which say it is a "disappointing plan for increasing pollution".

Conservation Council director Piers Verstegen said the discussion paper, released by Energy Minister Peter Collier yesterday, did not address the need to reduce carbon pollution.

"While Premier Barnett is doing the right thing by moving to cost-reflective energy, pricing, policy and planning for future energy sources in WA remains extremely concerning, with the overwhelming focus on polluting and water wasting technologies from last century" Mr Verstegen said.

"The report contains no dedicated section on renewable energy, no renewable enrgy targets and no serious policy measures to support or increase renewable energy in WA."

Mr Verstegen said the draft plan sidelined renewable energy while it flagged the expansion of coal fired power plans with untested and unlikely carbon capture and storage technology.

"Despite billions of dollars of government subsidies, 'clean coal' has not been made successful anywhere in the world, and there is no likely timeline for it to become commercially viable," he said.

"Unlike the 'clean coal' fantasy, many renewable energy options are ready to be deployed immediately, and at a reasonable cost.

"Western Australia has the opportunity to become a global leader in renewable energy technologies which are the fastest growing energy source globally.

"Sadly the Directions Paper released yesterday totally fails to grasp that opportunity."

Sustainable Energy Now spokesperson Steve Gates said there was little acknowledgment in the report of the potential to source all or most of WA's energy from renewables.

"Proven renewable technologies can be combined to provide baseload capability that is cost competitive with fossil fuels," Mr Gates said.

"This is why global investment in renewables has exceeded that of all fossil energy since 2008."