Employers still failing to tap into mature aged talent pool

Monday, 10 April, 2006 - 08:48

The majority of Australian employers are still failing to proactively seek to attract and retain mature aged workers, despite the nation's rapidly ageing workforce and growing skills shortage, according to a survey.
The Hudson Report survey of 8,345 employers nationally by Hudson, one of the world's leading recruitment, managed services and talent management firms, shows that less than half (40.7 per cent) of Australian employers are proactively seeking to attract and retain employees from this valuable pool of talent.
Anne Hatton, President & CEO of Hudson Australia and New Zealand said that while the rate of employer proactivity has increased by 8.9 percentage points over the last two years, the majority of organisations are still not tapping into this skilful and highly experienced demographic.
"Australia's employment landscape is being shaped by the spectre of an ageing workforce and an intensifying skills shortage. These findings are a wake up call to Australian business," said Hatton.