Electronic art funding now available

Tuesday, 30 September, 2003 - 22:00

GRANTS of up to $10,000 are available for new Western Australian arts projects using emerging technologies.

The grants program, known as BEAP WORKS, is designed to cultivate the creation and production of electronic or bilogical art works by local artists.

A total of $50,000 in funding grants will be available with a maximum of $10,000 per project.

The program will be administered by BEAP – the Biennale of Electronic Arts Perth, with funding provided by the WA Government through Arts WA.

Electronic and bilogical art explores the juncture between art, science and technology.

An example of the international success of this artform is the recent New York exhibition by WA electronic art exponents.

One of the projects used the brain neurons of a rat transmitted through the Internet to automate a robotic arm.

Arts Minister Sheila McHale said WA had a growing international reputation for electronic and biological art.

“The success of the inaugural BEAP 2002 demonstrated the enormous potential of this emerging artform,” she said.

“The event received significant international critical acclaim and, after the Perth International Arts Festival, is WA’s most important national and international arts event.

“The new funding will support artists with original research and development projects.

Project applications should be based on the theme of SameDifference.

Applications close on December 12.