Comings & goings

Tuesday, 7 August, 2007 - 22:00
Accent Resources NL - Peter Farrah has resigned as managing director. Bannerman Resources Ltd - Lisa Wynne has been appointed as company secretary. Catalyst Metals Ltd - Nathan McMahon and Bryan Dixon have been appointed as directors. Howard Dawson and Jim Malone have resigned from the board. Lisa Wynne has also been reappointed company secretary following the resignation of Michael Higginson. CommodiTel Ltd- Keith Weldon has been appointed as non-executive chairman. Campbell Nicholas has also been appointed as joint company secretary and chief financial officer. First Capital Group Ltd - Leslie Freeman has resigned as managing director. Executive director Tom Wallace will take over as acting managing director. Monarch Gold Mining Company Limited - Mike Etheridge has resigned as non-executive director. Mount Magnet South NL - Fred McMurray has been appointed as non-executive director. Olympia Resources Ltd - Christopher Davies has resigned as non-executive director. Talisman Mining Ltd - Michael Bunyard has been appointed as non-executive director. Michael Hannington has resigned as non-executive director. Tanami Gold NL - Alan Senior has been appointed as non-executive director. Martin Kavanagh has resigned as non-executive director. Woodside Petroleum Ltd - Charles Goode has resigned as chairman, to be replaced by Michael Chaney.