Comings and Goings

Wednesday, 6 June, 2012 - 10:37

Cohiba Minerals

Director David Herszberg has been appointed as chairman, following the resignation of Matthew Sheldrick. Marc Spicer has been appointed as a non-executive director, following the resignation of Simon Coxhell.

Excelsior Gold

Chief executive officer David Hamlyn has been appointed as managing director.

Horseshoe Metals

Michael Fotios has been appointed as a director, following the retirement of Alec Pismiris.

IFS Construction Services

Non-executive director Michael Fisk has retired.

Kalgoorlie Mining Company

Arcadia Group managing director Roger Kwok has been appointed as a non-executive director.

Latin Resources

Non-executive director and Bowen Buchbinder Vilensky managing director David Vilensky has been appointed as non-executive chairman, following the resignation of Roderick Brown.


Managing director Chris Tuckwell has resigned.

Nido Petroleum

Chief executive officer Philip Byrne has been appointed as managing director, and non-executive director David Whitby has resigned.

Papillon Resources

Robert Behets has been appointed as acting managing director and as a non-executive director, following the resignation of Alan Campbell.


Maurizio Oteri has been appointed as an executive director, and non-executive independent director Anthony Brennan has resigned.

Sunbird Energy

Suzana Makuljevic has been appointed as chief financial officer.

Tiger Resources

Trafigura Beheer’s mining division chief Darryll Castle has replaced Deon Garbers as the company’s representative on the board.


Jiangsu Eastern China Non-Ferrous Metals Investment Holding Co general manager Jianrong Xu has been appointed as chairman.

Zeta Petroleum

AWT International CEO Cameron Manifold has been appointed as a non-executive director, following the resignation of Michael Scott.


Non-executive director John Beck has resigned, but remains with the company as a consultant.