Chaney calls for leadership on reform

Monday, 25 June, 2007 - 15:37

Business Council of Australia president Michael Chaney has called for leadership in economic reform, particularly in the areas of industrial relations, red tape and state-federal relations, saying tough decisions were needed to maintain Australia's prosperity.
Speaking today at a John Curtin Institute of Public Policy breakfast, Mr Chaney said a national vision for the economy and a renewed round of microeconomic reforms were necessary for strong long-term economic growth.
He said that with the Western Australian economy growing at a China-like pace and unemployment rates at 30 year lows, now was the time for a new round of reforms.
"The important thing is to take actions to avoid the boom and bust scenario," he said.
Mr Chaney identified four key areas of concern, namely regulation and red tape, taxation, infrastructure and state-federal relations, which required urgent action.
He also warned that winding back the federal government's workplace reforms would lead to higher unemployment and lower productivity.
Mr Chaney labelled the Australian Council of Trade Union's Work Choices advertising campaign "scandalous" and reaffirmed the business community's intention of launching their own campaign to counter the union's claims.
"There's a huge misunderstanding of Work Choices in Australia. It's not revolutionary reform, but a logical step forward from enterprise agreements."