Paul Papalia says every business must provide a COVID-19 Safety Plan before reopening. Photo: Gabriel Oliveira

COVID-19 daily wrap: Businesses to provide reopening plan

Monday, 11 May, 2020 - 15:38
  • Western Australian businesses will need to prepare a COVID Safety Plan before reopening next Monday to protect staff and customers against coronavirus.
  • Cafés and restaurants, including within bars, pubs, hotels and casinos, can reopen with up to 20 patrons. Community facilities such as libraries and public pools will also reopen while non-contact community sports, and outdoor and indoor fitness classes will be allowed, subject to conditions.
  • The state government is consulting with peak industry bodies on guidelines to help businesses complete their COVID Safety plans.
  • Small Business Minister Paul Papalia said every venue opening up in the state will be required to have a COVID Safety Plan, which will be reviewed by an authorised officer. 
  • “What the safety plans will do is visually demonstrate to every patron that the venue they’re entering has complied with the obligations under our COVID Safety Plan,” Mr Papalia said.
  • The plan will state how many patrons the venue can accommodate under the four-square metre rule and confirm if a number of other obligations have been met by the venue, including COVID-19 hygiene safety training for staff.
  • Mr Papalia said around 35,000 hospitality workers in WA had completed the online hygiene safety training.
  • He said the easing of restrictions was a big step. “I understand and the government understands that it is not as far as some people would like, but it is a first step and we are on the pathway to a freer environment, providing we protect what we’ve achieved to date,” Mr Papalia said.
  • The plan comes as WA reported zero coronavirus infections overnight, leaving the state’s total unchanged at 552.
  • There are still seven active cases, one of which is in the Goldfields.
  • There are now 536 recoveries in WA, representing 97 per cent of the state’s total confirmed cases.
  • Four patients remain in hospital, one of which is in intensive care.
  • Health Minister Roger Cook said WA would have to learn to live with the virus until a vaccine is found.
  • “I know these low numbers are a positive but please remember to continue to observe the social distancing, good personal hand hygiene measures which have been so important for us getting these fantastic results,” Mr Cook said.
  • “We cannot become complacent. We are proof that it works, however COVID-19 lurks in our community and can give rise at any moment. This is our new normal. This is about continuing to learn to live with COVID-19 until a vaccine has been found.”
  • Phase 2 of the federal government’s three-step process to lifting some of the country’s coronavirus restrictions will begin in WA on Monday.
  • Mr Cook said the state government was easing restrictions in a steady, staged manner. “We will monitor the changes in the coming weeks and if we can make further changes as part of Phase 3, we will,” he said.
  • “But with the easing of restrictions comes risk. We believe it is inevitable that there will be some new cases out there in the community, and in relation to these new cases, we stand ready, we stand prepared to respond. We have never been in a stronger position in terms of our health system to respond to any outbreak of the disease.”