Bowtell Clarke and Yole keeps Dandaragan deal

Tuesday, 6 July, 2004 - 22:00

Bowtell Clarke and Yole has retained the Olea Australis account. The listed olive oil producer recognised for its Dandaragan Estate brand assessed pitches from east coast agencies recently but has retained the services of BCY.

Olea Australis executive chairman Gus Simpson said the company had set up marketing operations on the east coast, which had resulted in a number of advertising agencies seeking interest in the business.

“People pitched for it but at the end of the day we were happy with the work Richard Clarke [BCY director] was doing,” he said.

Olea Australis is in the midst of major marketing efforts to sell its two brands, Dandaragan Estate and Dandaragan Select, nationally and internationally and will soon incorporate gourmet food products.