Biopharmica pleased with cancer research

Tuesday, 17 May, 2005 - 22:00

LOCAL listed pharmaceutical company Biopharmica has announced successful results from work conducted by the Western Australian Institute for Medical Research (WAIMR) on a cancer gene. According to Biopharmica, the results from a pre-clinical trial conducted at the Royal Perth Hospital campus of WAIMR showed that over 50 per cent of a sample of 70 patients with particular types of cancer, had a fault in a gene identified by research as potentially cancer causing. Biopharmica said the pre-clinical trial directly correlated the presence of a fault in the gene with the development of cancer in humans and developed a highly sensitive test for detecting the cancer gene marker. The company is working in conjunction with the University of WA and WAIMR to commercialise a molecular marker for early and accurate cancer detection.
