Yuuwa Capital director Matt MacFarlane (left) and Spacecubed founder Brodie McCulloch (right) spoke to Business News CEO Charlie Gunningham on the local startup scene.

What the tech startup scene needs now

Thursday, 22 September, 2016 - 12:05

Business News chief executive Charlie Gunningham discusses the local tech startup scene with the director and co-founder of local venture capital firm Yuuwa Capital Matt Macfarlane and the founder of Spacecubed and Flux coworking spaces Brodie McCulloch.

Questions and topics covered in this podcast include:

  1. A quick overview of their own involvement with local tech startups 
  2. Where is the tech startup scene right now?
  3. Why are we so ‘interested’ in tech start-ups? What’s special about them?
  4. What are their impressions of the State Government’s Innovation agenda and the Federal government’s National Innovation and Science  agenda?
  5. What does the local startup scene need now? If they were to wave their magic wand and fix something, or have something happen, what would it be?
  6. How important is angel funding? How easy is it to get? How can potential angel investors get involved?
  7. What is their view of the RTOs (back door listing) and how they fit (or not)?
  8. Final comments and conclusions on the local tech startup scene, and its future.

Business News publishes a weekly podcast, ‘Mark my Words’ with news editor Mark Beyer and head of content Mark Pownall, where they discuss the main business news and data stories of the past week, and the upcoming features in Business News.

To subscribe to these and receive them regularly, plus other interviews like the one above, please search for ‘Business News WA’ in iTunes podcasts or Soundcloud, or visit www.businessnews.com.au/podcasts.